1 Electron Acceptive Mass Tag for Mass Spectrometric Imaging-Guided Synergistic Targeting to Mice Brain Glutamate Receptors
Hongying Zhong* Ruowei Jiang, Juan Zhang, Si Zou, Shanshan Jia, Xiebin Leng, Yinghua Qi, Xuekun Zou, Baojie Shen,Weidan Li, Wenting Lu.ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019 .10(1).757-767. ( Highlighted on the cover)
2 Ion framentations via photoelectron activated radical relays and competed hole oxidization on semiconductor nanoparticles for mass spectrometry
Hongying Zhong*,Ruowei jiang 1,Yinghua Qi 1,Anji Gao 2.Anal. Chim. Acta. 1044(2018)1-11.(Highlighted on the cover)
3 Mass spectrometric imaging reveals photocatalytic degradation intermediates of aromatic organochlorines resulting from interfacial photoelectron transfer and hydroxyl radical abstraction on semiconductor nanoparticles
Hongying Zhong*,Xuemei Tang 1, Yinghua Qi 1, Wenyang Zhang, Juan Zhang, Ruowei Jiang.Anal. Chim. Acta.1054(2019)104-113.
4 Mass spectrometric monitoring of interfacial photoelectron transfer and imaging of active crystalline facets of semiconductors
Hongying Zhong*, Juan Zhang1, Xuemei Tang1, Wenyang Zhang1, Ruowei Jiang1, Rui Li1, Disong Chen1,Peng Wang1 & Zhiwei Yuan1. Nat. Commun. 2017, 8:14524 .
5 Imaging of Endogenous Metabolites of Plant Leaves by Mass Spectrometry Based on Laser Activated Electron Tunneling
Lulu Huang, Xuemei Tang, Wenyang Zhang, Ruowei Jiang, Hongying Zhong*. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 24164.
6 Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Polymerization of Acrylamide for Gel Electrophoresis (TIPPAGE) of Proteins and Structural Identification by Mass Spectrometry
Wenyang Zhang, ZhiweiYuan, Lulu Huang, Jie Kang, Ruowei Jiang, Hongying Zhong*. Sci. Rep. 2016,6,20981.
7 Ultraviolet irradiation-induced substitution of fluorine with hydroxyl radical for mass spectrometric analysis of perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride
Peng Wang, Xuemei Tang, Lulu Huang, Jie Kang, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2016, 905: 100-105.
8 Laser Activated electron tunneling based mass spectrometric imaging of molecular architectures of mouse brain revealing regional specific lipids
Lulu Huang, Xuemei Tang, Wenyang Zhang, Ruowei Jiang, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88(1): 732-739.
9 Chemical imaging of latent fingerprints by mass spectrometry based on laser activated electron tunneling
Xuemei Tang, Lulu Huang, Wenyang Zhang, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 2693-2701.
10 Photocatalytic activities of plant hormones on semiconductor nanoparticles by laser activated electron tunneling and emitting
Xuemei Tang, Lulu Huang, Wenyang Zhang, Ruowei Jiang, Hongying Zhong*. Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 8893. DOI: 10.1038/srep08893.
11 Cu2+-assisted two dimensional charge-mass double focusing gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis of histone variants
Wenyang Zhang, Xuemei Tang, Mnegjie Ding, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2014, 852, 121-128.
12 Compressed matrix thin film (CMTF)-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometric analysis
Lulu Huang, Xiao Xiao, Yinping Xie, Hubert Kageruka, Youe Zhou, Fengjiao Deng, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2013, 786, 85-94.
13 Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Mono- and Multi- Phosphopeptides by Selective Binding with NiZnFe2O4 magnetic Nanoparticles
Hongying Zhong*, Xiao Xiao, Shi Zheng, Wenyang Zhang, Mengjie Ding, Haiying Jiang, Lulu Huang, Jie Kang. Nat. Commun. 2013, 4, 1656.
14 Magnetic Nanoparticles of Nitrogen Enriched Carbon (mnNEC) for Analysis of Pesticides and Metabolites in Zebrafish by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Youe Zhou, Qian Xia, Mengjie Ding, Hubert Kageruka, Haiying Jiang, Yan Jiang, Huifen Jin, Xiao Xiao, Hongying Zhong*. J. Chromatogr. B 2013, 915-916, 46-51.
15Structure and Function Analysis of Protein Posttranslational Fatty Acylation: Targeting Lipid Signals in Cells
Hongying Zhong*,Guangfu Yang*. Science China (Chemistry) 2013,43, 35-48 (Invited). (in Chinese)
16Quantitative Analysis of Aberrant Fatty Acid Composition of Zebrafish Hepatic Lipids Induced by Organochlorine Pesticides Using Stable Isotope-Coded Transmethylation and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectr
Hongying Zhong*, Linjie Dong, Qingjian Dong, Changshu Ke, Jieying Fu, Xiaoli Wang, Cong Liu, Ling Dai. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2012, 404, 207-216.
17Measurement of Laser Activated Electron Tunneling from Semiconductor Zinc Oxide to Adsorbed Organic Molecules by a Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometer
Hongying Zhong*, Jieying Fu, Xiaoli Wang, Shi Zheng. Anal. Chim. Acta 2012, 729, 45-53.
18Desalting of Phosphopeptides by Tandem Polypyrrole-C18 Reverse Phase Micropipette Tip (TMTipPPY-C18) Based on Hybrid Electrostatic, Π-Π Stacking and Hydrophobic Interactions for Mass Spectrometric Ana
Shi Zheng, Xiaoli Wang, Jieying Fu, Xuejiao Hu, Xiao Xiao, Lulu Huang, Youe Zhou, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2012,724, 73-79.
19Quantification of Interactions between Serum Albumin and Endogenous Free Fatty Acids or Exogenous Chemicals by Stable Isotope-Coded Mass Spectrometry
Tingting Li, Yingxia Yue, Jianjian Li, Xiaoli Wang, Jieying Fu, Hongying Zhong*. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 587-591.
20 Comparative Analysis of S-Fatty Acylation of Gel-Separated Proteins by Stable Isotope-Coded Fatty Acid Transmethylation and Mass Spectrometry
Linjie Dong, Jianjian Li, Lun Li, Tingting Li, Hongying Zhong*. Nat. Protoc. 2011, 6, 1377-1390.
21 Chemical and Genetic Probes for Analysis of Protein Palmitoylation
Lun Li, Linjie Dong, Lisha Xia, Tingting Li, Hongying Zhong*. J. Chromatogr. B 2011, 879, 1316-1324. Invited by Professor Jack Rosenfeld, Department of Pathology, McMasterUniversity.
22 Typing of Unknown Microorganisms Based on Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Acids by Mass Spectrometry and Hierarchical Clustering
Tingting Li, Ling Dai, Lun Li, Xuejiao Hu, Linjie Dong, JianjianLi, Sule Khalfan Salim, Jieying Fu, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2011, 684,8-16. Featured Article.
23 Effects of Co-Existed Proteins on Measurement of Pesticide Residues in Blood by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Yingxia Yue, Lun, Li, Yong Liang, Linjie Dong, Qingjian Dong, Hongying Zhong*. J. Chromatogr. B. 2010, 878, 3089-3094.
24Design of Research-Based Teaching in the Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Hongying Zhong*. China University Teaching 2010, 31, 49-51. (in Chinese)
25Rapid Transmethylation and Stable Isotope Labeling for Comparative Analysis of Fatty Acids by Mass Spectrometry
Jianjian Li, Yingxia Yue, Xuejiao Hu, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 5080-5087.
26Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Bonded Long Chain Fatty Acids in a Single Zebrafish Egg by Ultrasound-Assisted One-Step Transmethylation and Extraction
Jianjian Li, Yingxia Yue, Tingting Li, Xuejiao Hu, Hongying Zhong*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2009, 650, 221-226.
27Proteome Profile of Cytosolic Component of Zebrafish Liver Generated by LC-ESI MS/MS Combined with Trypsin Digestion and Microwave-assisted Acid Hydrolysis
Nan Wang, Lauren MacKenzie, Andrea G. De Souza, Hongying Zhong, Greg Goss, Liang Li*. J. Proteome Res. 2007, 6, 263-272.
28Benefit of Microwave-Assisted Acid Hydrolysis of Proteins for Mass Spectrometric Profiling of the Human Heart Tissue Proteome
Mulu Gebremedhin, Hongying Zhong, Shaohua Wang, Michael Weinfeld, Liang Li*. Rap. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2007, 21, 2779-2783.
29Off-line Coupling of Preparative Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Microwave-assisted Acid Hydrolysis and Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Protein Sequencing
Mahmoud M Yassine, NanGuo, Hongying Zhong, Liang Li, Charles A Lucy*. Anal. Chim. Acta 2007, 597, 41-49.
30 An Algorithm for Interpretation of Low Energy Collision-Induced Dissociation Product Ion Spectra for de novo Sequencing of Peptides
Hongying Zhong, Liang Li*. Rap. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19, 1084-1096.
31 Microwave-Assisted Acid Hydrolysis of Proteins Combined with Liquid Chromatography MALDI MS/MS for Protein Identification
Hongying Zhong, Sandra Marcus, Liang Li*. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 16, 471-481.
32 Two-dimensional Mass Spectra Generated from the Analysis of 15N-Labeled and Unlabeled Peptides for Efficient Protein Identification and de novo Peptide Sequencing
Hongying Zhong, Sandra Marcus, Liang Li*. J. Proteome Res. 2004, 3, 1155-1163.
33 Protein Sequencing by Mass Analysis of Polypeptide Ladders After Controlled Protein Hydrolysis
Hongying Zhong, Ying Zhang, Zhihui Wen, Liang li*. Nat. Biotech. 2004, 22,1291-1296 (Highlighted on the cover).
34Application of Fourier Transform to Four-Electrode Microvoltammetric System for Studies on Micro-ITIES Electroanalysis
Hongying Zhong*, Xiangzhu Xiao, Peibiao Li. Anal. Chim. Acta 1999, 382, 137-144.